Monday, April 9, 2012

H is for Halloween

Halloween is my favorite time of year. This is a trait I share with all of my ladies, which is good. This means the month of October is always busy and filled with activities and festivities and tons of fun. For instance, last year there was pumpkin carving, a trip an hour away to Clayton Fear Farm, another trip an hour away to the Nightmare Factory, a haunted hayride in the country, and 2 different Halloween parties (one of which I did sit out-shamefully). Not to mention all the different Halloween baking! 

This year is going to be a little different. Since I'm due November 11th my sister is hoping she gets a Halloween niece or nephew. Wouldn't that be lovely? All of us in costumes in the hospital? I feel like glitter and fake eyelashes may diminish the effectiveness of the glare I level on my husband as I scream at him it's all his fault (that's what happens during labor right? Wives berate their spouses?). 

I, unfortunately, won't be able to participate in any of the different Halloween activities I usually do. Haunted house attractions tend to not like to have heavily pregnant people as a liability. I guess I could still do a regular hayride? A regular corn maze? A Halloween party? Bake when I have the energy? *le sigh*. I'll be living vicariously through my friends this year. Make the most of it ladies. 

Our Zombie Overlord.


  1. But just think how awesome every Halloween after that will be... precious little kid costumes and stealing candy from their trick or treat bags! I maintain that the only reason I will ever have children is to make holidays more fabulous.

    1. I'm already a holiday nutcase, and this little grape of mine is going to make me go completely bananas! I'm already excited about all the candy I get to take...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. But you'll get to buy a newborn Halloween costume! How fun and congratulations!

  3. Congratulations and thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment...I like the glittered fake eyelashes during labor:)

  4. Halloween is my favorite holiday! In fact, I married my first husband on Halloween. I think the husband and I have a fabulous idea for costumes this year. I can't wait!

  5. I love Halloween. Have a great pregnancy and just enjoy scaring the kids that trick or treat. I love the children in their costumes.

  6. I love Halloween, too! Congratulations to you. I appreciate you coming by thanks. Can't wait to see what else A-Z has in store. I have met so many wonderful people already. :)


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