Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Work Ridiculousness

I've got a killer headache that's inching it's way towards migraine status and I feel faintly queasy. Maybe it's because I've got my poking and prodding doctor's visit in the morning and that is never a good time. "Scoot down some, down some more, a little bit further... Ok now this is going to be cold. You'll feel some pressure..." Ugh. I've got the dialog down though, you ladies know what I mean. 

I'm going to rant about work for a moment:
I have finally, blessedly, been moved to a different work station in my office. It's still in the same department but I am in a different discipline now and a good 25 feet away from the surly bitch that makes my work day stressful. I know you don't think 25 feet is that far. And really in life it's not, but in an office setting it's huge. This "lady", that makes me want to bludgeon people with my stapler, other than being a HUGE two-faced pseudo-religious nutbag, she also talks constantly throughout the day. About other people in our department or in our building in general or about random television shows. She has raised voiced conversations with people across the room constantly. Because of this I have to use my iPod to stay focused on my work (there's been more than one attorney I've been on the phone with that has requested I call him back when he can hear me). 
Yesterday she sent me an email telling me to turn down my music because she could hear it and it was distracting. Please understand it was not turned up all the way, but close to it, and I had my earphones in, and I STILL could barely hear the music over the chit-chat around me. So I responded to her email that I'd be glad to turn it down, but that I have to keep increasing the volume to stay focused because of all the talking. OMG you'd think I called her a cunt and back handed her child. She immediately gathered the main people she chats with and they took a trip to the break room/bathroom to discuss the situation. And I think they may have made an effort to talk LOUDER. Luckily for my sanity and my good work reputation, I am now sitting elsewhere. 

Also, as Chairwoman of the Team Member Activity Team (TMAT) at work, I am bombarded with insane questions from people within the building. Each month my company does different activities to collect money/food/clothes for local charities. The month of February each department is making a Valentine's basket that is going to be auctioned off in-office with all proceeds going towards the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Yesterday I had to send am email out to the other TMAT members to pass on to their co-worker that the following wasn't allowed in the baskets:
-Lottery tickets, including scratch off tickets
-Sex toys
Really. We work in an office people. A very professional office. What the hell!? Le sigh. Maybe I should have also said no weapons, in case that comes up next?


  1. I hate loud people like that! I hope she one day sees the errors in her ways and feals ashamed!

    People bring sextoys? What? Do they think the homeless and sick need dildos?!

  2. You really should say no weapons, dear.

    True story: Some employees got laid off where I work, and the men were disassembling her desk. They opened it and found a dildo, porn mags, and lube. She was a freak ass bitch and we had no idea! Sexxxxy.

    1. Wow. That's pretty gross. I'm as big a fan of the toys as any lady but I like to leave playtime at home and out of the office.

  3. You'd hate my office. We aren't separated into cubicles, we hum movie themes all day and I have a sound board that I make use of at appropriate moments. We do a lot of work, but it is noisy shit.

  4. Nothing worse than an obnoxious co-worker. That is something I don't miss about being in the workplace. I'm sorry you have to deal with that, my dear.

    No weapons though. Unless it's like a sex toy weapon. I wonder if they make dildos shaped like guns. Point that sucker at that bitch and watch her freak the hell out. Hahaha!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You should seriously add weapons to the list..I mean, what if someone tries to work their way around it with a dildo that 'shoots'?

      The office can be a dangerous place. Especially when there are sex-toy weapons about..! :P

      GM x

    3. A shooting dildo. Man, I would NOT want that on my obituary!

  5. As if 'no sex toys' needs to be said.

    I work with a pretty rowdy, at times inappropriate bunch, but I think even we don't need to be told not to give sex toys to the underprivileged.

  6. "This "lady", that makes me want to bludgeon people with my stapler" - that sentence made me LOL for real. Love it.

    Your office sounds like my old corporate job. There's always one really annoying nutcase in every office, I think. Hooray for the move! Hope it helps.

  7. She's a two-faced pseudo-religious nutbag? Is that a fact? Well, anyone who makes you use your iPod to stay focused on your work deserves to be punished. Especially two-faced pseudo-religious nutbags...

  8. we have one guy, that just doesn't take a hint and comes over to talk to you. Sometimes I have my headphones on without any music just to make him go away

    1. Ohh, yes I too have "that guy" in my office! They mean well, but I don't always have free minutes to spare listening to them drone on and on!

  9. Hahahah you didn't say "no porn dvds" sooo, watch out for that. But really, no alcohol in a valentines day gift basket? I work in a professional environment too, and I'm a bit surprised. When we had our white elephant gift exchange, bottles of wine were very popular...

    1. Crap! Forgot the no porn rule! Unfortunately alcohol is a no no for us.


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