Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dorian Gray

So, I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray and I just stumbled over this:

"Don't squander the gold of your days listening to the tedious..."

And I love this quote. I also loved the movie adaptation of the book with Ben Barnes (yes please) and Collin Firth (again, yes please).

But really, it's a great quote for life. Of course it's given by one of the most narcissistic people I've ever read about (and I'm only in the second chapter) to the young and impressionable Dorian before it ever occurs to him to be naughty. 

Although my husband wasn't a fan of this, I feel like I am going to be. 
so far so good anyways!


  1. What a great quote. Never heard it, but I love it. Now, don't ruin your vision of Dorian Gray by watching the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen... where he's a superhero... it's every bit as terrible as you think.

  2. Great quote, but better still is the release date for the movie! 090909!!

  3. The original was absolutely wonderful. I love how it's in black and white, but the portrait is in color. I haven't seen the remake because quite frankly, I'm scared that they ruined it. Eep!


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